A Little Something New for You

I’ve been in a frenzied mode of creativity for months now. You can usually find me running around with paint in my hair and mountains of paper scraps at my feet. Between the crazy nonstop world of the regular everyday madness, starting a new poetry workshop in January, and being involved in something like a billion incredible art projects, this poor little blog thingy tends to become neglected. Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful for the busy pace. I crave it, you know.

Creating new pieces for Free Art Friday NoVA and giving pieces away every week has become an obsession. I’ve even sent a piece of my free art off to Sydney, Australia. Every once in a while I give away a Free Art Friday piece on my Facebook page as well. And, just in case you’re interested in finding some of my free art in Northern Virginia, I’m planning to drop pieces at the new Epicure Café for the next several weeks. I would love for you to find a piece! If you do find one, please take a photo of yourself with your Free Art Friday piece and post it to the Free Art Friday NoVA page and/or to my Dear Suburbia page on Facebook. I would love to see you enjoying your free found art!

I’ve also become part of a new art collective, The Bunnyman Bridge Collective, with fellow artists Jason Davis and Javier Padilla. Be on the lookout. We’re already up to quite a bit of creative mischief in the unsuspecting wilds of suburbia. There are so many exciting collaborations and art filled events in the works for 2014. I’m keeping them as sort of a secret for now. I’ll let you in on all of it very soon. For now, here are a few of my most recent collages that I hope you will love!  xoxo