Free Art Friday As Performance and Street Art

As part of the worldwide phenomenon that is Free Art Friday, I’ve placed at least one piece of free art in Northern Virginia for anyone to find and keep nearly every Friday since August 2013. Think of it as street art that anyone can take home. Imagine it as a way of building and engaging community. I view this project as a way to disrupt the isolation of  living in Suburbia by creating situations of chance and surprise, and instigating dialogue about ownership, creativity, commodity fetishism, community, and connectivity. The transitory, ephemeral, and unpredictable elements of my Free Art Friday experience have come to feel very much akin to aspects of performance art. Through these eight months or so, the process of creating art specifically designed for Free Art Friday, scouting out locations, leaving my art out in the world, taking photographs of my free art in a variety of locations, posting the photographs to social media, and engaging with the audience have evolved into an ongoing, elaborate, documented, and joy-filled performance. The audience is key. Finders, admirers, and even critics of this project have helped to form and influence its evolution in ways I had never imagined. I’ll be leaving another piece somewhere in the world today. You can view past Free Art Friday pieces and look for clues to find pieces yourself by following me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Happy Finding!

Here’s a look back at a few of my Free Art Friday drops from the past eight months: